World Wide Check-In

Join us every Saturday 16:00 UTC on Talk Group 91 via the Brandmeister Network.

About The Net

The World Wide Check-In takes place every Saturday at 16:00 UTC / GMT / Zulu. We welcome you to join us on Talk Group 91 (World Wide) via the Brandmeister Network.

  • Demonstrates the purpose of DMR.
  • Brings together Radio Operators from around the globe.
  • Shows the purpose of DMR and its capabilities.
  • Displays how a globally linked radio network operates.

The Net started way back in 2015 when most DMR repeaters in California switched to the then new Brandmeister Network. The net was started by Dick K6SUU who did Net Controller duties on his own initially. Modelled after a similar older Net on Talkgroup 1 on the DMR-MARC CBridge network Over the next Christmas/New Year period Dick went on an overseas trip and could not do net control. He asked for volunteers were both Alec N1AJW and Paul VA6PW volunteered. Since then the Net Controller Group has expanded and various people have come and gone...

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Net Statistics - Saturday, 8 Feb 2025

We have a robust and secure logging system to ensure every station wanting to check-in can check-in. If the Net Control Operator does not respond and acknowledge you that does not mean you're not checked-in. We use mulitple systems and several sources to ensure all stations get checked-in.

Check-In's Logged 98.9%
Missed Loggins Due to Network Issues 0.6%
New Call Signs -
Corrections made 1
Total Check-Ins 547/1000


The admin team plan ahead to ensure everything is in place and ready to go way before you first hear the Net Controller. Below you can access some resources.

Stats and Logfiles

We have maintained logs since 2017. You can view the Log Archives here from 2017 until present day.

The next net will take place on Saturday, 15 Feb 2025

The Scheduled Net Controllers are:-


Subject to changes

Live Schedule

Paul - (VA6PW) The Resource Planner puts together the schedule for the current and next quarter. View who is scheduled to host the net. If you would like to join us as a Net Controller drop us e-mail.

Listen Live

Don't have a DMR Radio? Don't worry you can listen live to TG:91 here (opens a new tab) You can't check-in unless your a licensed Radio Operator.

We're always looking for new Net Controllers.

Please email the Net Controller group on Being a net controller doesn't need to be a solo job. Two or more people could split the load amongst themselves.

Last Net Log

Network Check-In Logs from the last net run on Saturday, 8 Feb 2025 are below.

Your World Wide Check-In Team

This is your World Wide Check-In team those on-air and in the background...

Paul - VA6PW

Scheduling / Script Control & NCO

Paul has been part of the World Wide Check-In from the early days, Paul ensures the resource planning way ahead and keeps the script in tip top form.

Barry - K6ST

On-Boarding Controller & NCO

Barry takes care of onboarding new NCO's to the team. When you join. Barry will be your first contact and discuss with you the script and processes.

Dave - M7NTE


Dave maintains the website, backend systems and ensures a Net Log is produced each net.

James - KB9TZQ

Net Controller

James from Illinois, USA is part of the North American NCO Team. He delightfully hosts the net when scheduled.

Richard - KG5YCU

Net Controller

Richard is in TEXAS, USA and forms part of the North American NCO Team supporting the group.

Luther - M7LAG

Net Controller

Luther in London originally from the Philippines is a part of the European NCO team. You're most likely to hear Luther on the second half of the net.

Osman - TA3AUW

Net Controller

Osman is our NCO from the Asia region in Türkiye. Always a joy to hear him hosting the net at the World Wide Check-In on TG91.

Dominik - SP4PSP

Net Controller

Dominik is our Net Control from Poland.

Neil - VU3EFZ

Net Controller

Neil is from India and part of the Asia NCO Team. Neil is an active member supporting both the team and the net.

David - MØJXE

Net Controller

David from Chester, UK. He is a member of our European NCO Team also a long time amateur radio operator. He supports the NCO's on air and the net.

Paolo - IZ1POZ

Net Controller

Paolo from Itaty is a Net Controller here on the World Wide Check-in with a vast background supporting his community and beyond from the Italian Red Cross to a Test Pilot.

Inga - YL3IM

Net Controller

Inga from Latvia is one of the European NCOs to the net on TG91. Inga has a love for cats.

Mohammed - A92EE

Net Controller

Mohammed from Bahrain hosts the World Wide Check-In and is a great asset to the NCO Team.

Kim - VE3KKA

Net Controller

Kim from Ontario joins the North American NCO Team to host the net. New to the World Wide Check-In but is a pro.

We're always looking for new Net Controllers.

Please email the Net Controller group on Being a net controller doesn't need to be a solo job. Two or more people could split the load amongst themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ aims to answer exactly those..

How can I take part in the World Wide Check-In?

The World Wide Check-In takes place via the Brandmeister Network. Therefore you will need to be a licenced radio operator and have access to both a DMR Radio and Talk Group 91, this can be done either via a personal hotspot or a local repeater which subscribes to Brandmeister.

How can I listen to the net?

You can listen to the World Wide Check-In, infact you can listen to any Talk Group on the Brandmeister Network via the HOSE Line.

I've checked-in but I am not recorded in the log?

First of all check again! OK you've checked a million times and still your call sign was not logged. The NCO acknowledges all received stations. Occassionally we may miss you, but don't worry our logging from various masters globally will see you. If you're still not recorded, firstly check and confirm your setup then drop us an email.

How do I take part in the World Wide Check-In?

The World Wide Check-In takes place every Saturday at 16:00 UTC on the Brandmeister Network Talk Group 91.

How Do I access Talk Group 91?

You can access TG:91 on the Brandmeister Network either via your local repeater if it connected to the Brandmeister Network or via a Personal Hot Spot

What repeaters are connected to Brandmeister Network?

We can't help you with this one, but if you head over to Brandmeister Repeaters you can check if your local repeater is part of the network.

Is Talk Group 91 available via the PEANUT App?

As far as we know the PEANUT App is not connected to the Brandmeister Network. However if you find out otherwise please let us know.

I use Droid Star can I use this App for the World Wide Check-In?

Yes if you configure it correctly to a Brandmeister Master and subscribe to TG:91 You'll be able to check-in. But please remember you'll need your DMR Radio ID and Call Sign configured.

What / Who is an NCO?

An NCO is an actual real person. It is a title given to the "Net Control Operator". This is who is in current control of the net.

How is the Net Log Processed / Produced

The TG91 Net Log is produced by M7NTE. The script is custom code that gathers all the data from various data points and sources. The data of stations is not in order of check-in but in alphabetical order for the country/state.


Why not get in touch with us with any questions or suggestions. We're always looking for new people to join us as Net Controllers, drop us a line and we'll be right back in touch.

Email Us

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